Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Here's the Heel!

in a rush and now off to school with Olympic sock in tow...or is that toe?


Nicole said...

It's looking great there... how much olympic knitting are you going to do in class? Just don't get caught like Stephanie {nearly} did for the cast-on!

Lyz said...

not much knitting in class! No can do! worked some rnds during my lunch though....

Nicole said...

That's the beauty of sock knitting. You can squeeze in a few rounds at breaks, and even one in the drive thru line at Timmy's!!!

Lyz said...

lol drive thru line at tim's.... stop lights... stop signs.... um... ok we ARE watching our driving right?

Nicole said...

Isn't that what cruise control is for?

Lyz said...

Cruise control??? I have knees! ROFL... but not while I am driving!