Monday, February 13, 2006

UGGG... learning! (OLympic SoCK UpdATe!

OK I am so busy knitting my Olympic Socks that I haven't had time to post!!! ROFL!~ no actually ... how come it's always happens that when you plan something really cool just for "me" life just totally gets in the way? !!!!! I will take a pic later [hopefully] and post the 4 or 5 inches of sock I have done so far. Sock is coming along nicely but slowly. I just frustrates the hell out of me that I, a seasoned and very experienced knitter can feel so awkward and clumsy at something that should be so second nature to me. I guess I am having a hard time giving myself the "learning time" needed to master a new skill and just assuming that after a few tries of a totally new method that I should automatically be the "pro" I am at the other method.....
Off to do some more 'learning'

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